My first blog

Hi my name is Jacqueline Weldy. I have a loving and wonderful hubby named Daniel and we have a baby girl named Addison who is our everything. I am very new to this whole blogging thing but I thought it would be good to do since we are going to Camp Casey South Korea on july 16th!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

We made it to South Korea!

Even though we have been here for about a month and a half! We have been super busy setting everything up with our apartment and getting used to how things work over here. Many things have happened since we have been here.....Addison can fully sit up by herself and is now starting to crawl, she also has both of her bottom teeth and the top ones are starting to cut. Which if don't

say so myself is sooo exciting!! I have got my nosed pierced and have started cooking some Korean food which has been so yummy and didn't make us sick (score for me!!) Danny is fixing to be a PFC which is a private first class.